Our Story

In spring of 2022, I felt called to leave my full time job with no concrete plan for what to do next. So at the end of July 2022, I embarked on a journey that began with the realization that I was a multipotentialite. A multipotentialite is a jack of all trades. I was never designed to stay in one place for too long. But what I was designed to do was to take my culmination of skills and interests and use them to help promote healing among the masses, encourage and empower others, and help them find and live out their purpose.

I realized I didn’t need to work for other organizations to continue to strive toward that goal. I could start my own company. I also realized I could also start this mission at home by empowering my then 9 year-old daughter to become comfortable being the artist and budding entrepreneur she is (in the picture, we’re wearing her first design we ever printed!).

Everything will roll out in its own perfect timing. I hope that encourages some of you to get started on your project, even if everything isn’t complete yet. That’s what this company is supposed to be about. We hope that your engagement with us will leave you feeling inspired, uplifted, and encouraged.

Chynna M. Presley